Thursday 12 February 2009


Promyshlennyi is a small town in Russia that has been abandoned and desolate for around twenty years, but what would drive people to leave their homes in large numbers so a whole town becomes deserted?

At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union the government were in disarray and short on money financially, because of this the government stopped financially supporting small towns in the middle of no where that had no strategic importance.

Because all the state run amenities such as telecoms and electricity the people of Promyshlennyiwere left to fend for themselves without even the possibility of ringing someone from a neighbouring town or city.

In the end without supplies coming to shops and basic amenities at home many people ended up having to leave their homes with whatever belongings they had and move to where ever they could find work and somewhere to stay.

As you can see this town looked like it was once a small and close knit community that was torn apart through the neglect of the countries government.